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Creative Ways to Attract and Retain Top Employees

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A happy employee is a productive employee. You can help your staff feel comfortable and valued in so many ways – and not just with a pay raise. Increasingly, individuals are looking for work that offers them a fantastic benefits package that keeps them feeling motivated.

By implementing a few simple practices, you could increase retention rates, improve financial results and create a work culture that is both fun and productive. Here are some ideas from GanvWale for innovative perks to add to your employee benefits package.

Dog Days

Science says there’s nothing more therapeutic out there than the love of a dog. According to an industry study by Frontiers in Psychology, engaging with dogs and puppies through play, walks, petting, and feeding is a sure-shot way to boost serotonin levels and increase empathy. Those are two values most companies could benefit from! Opt for a dog-friendly office, or take it one step further by setting up a dog day every few weeks. Let your employees bring in the pooches, and let the furry fun ensue all around!

Wellness Contest

While most of us are aware we need to take care of our health more rigorously, it can be difficult to do so with hectic work schedules. Gamify wellness by providing incentives in a tiered competition-style challenge. Some companies offer compelling benefits like an all-expenses vacation or reduced insurance premiums for winners of walking or workout contests. Also, the more healthy your employees keep, the less you’ll pay for health insurance claims in the long run. Win-win!

Education Assistance

These days, everyone needs an edge to get ahead in their field – and the best way to do that is by pursuing an advanced degree. So by helping your employees advance their education, you not only improve retention but also make them more skilled and knowledgeable in their areas of expertise.

Counseling Sessions

Going to therapy is a must for those with an active, high-pressure life. However, the cost of counseling comes at a heavy price point that deters most interested individuals. Prioritize your employees’ mental health and well-being by hiring company counselors to take care of your staff’s needs. The more they feel appreciated, heard, and understood, the more happy and productive they’ll be in the long run.

Timely Pay

Let’s take it back to the basics for this one. Getting paid on time is an absolute must, but a basic that many companies sadly renege on. Get your backend sorted by using a same-day direct deposit service that pays your employees promptly. All you need to do is enter hours worked, fix a schedule, and voila – paychecks get deposited into bank accounts the same day! Not only does this provide you with flexibility, but you’ll also be on top of any adjustments that come up. Bonus: no more reissuing pesky lost paper checks!

Yoga and Massages

According to Best Health Magazine, massages are one of the best ways to de-stress after a long workday. Taking care of physical well-being through yoga is another excellent pampering perk you can offer all employees. An in-house masseuse or yoga class during work hours will keep the blood pumping and productivity brewing.

Development Program

Investing in employee development has excellent benefits for both you and your staffer. You’ll be increasing their knowledge base in various subjects, rendering them more competent, skilled, and hirable. And you’ll reap all the benefits of that excellent education when employees apply their learnings at work. Opt for a development fund or program that employees can use to take courses, attend conferences, classes, and refer to mentors.

Salaries truly aren’t the only way to move the needle! A unique and valuable offering to employees will help you cultivate the culture your business needs to succeed while helping your bottom line in the long run.

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