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How To Lose Belly Fat

Sometimes it may seem like, no matter what you do, your belly never seems to shrink. As it turns out, belly fat can be some of the hardest fat to get rid of. With all those crunches, skipped breakfasts, and diet drinks, you should be making great progress. Right? Not necessarily. To lose belly fat you have to eat the right foods and partake in the right kinds of exercise.  
how to lose belly fat

Why is it So Difficult to Lose Belly Fat?

The simple answer to this question is hormones. Hormonal imbalance, particularly during menopause, can cause a number of problems that will lead to increased belly fat. Menopause causes a drop in estrogen, which will make it more likely for the body to store fat in the body. Hormonal imbalances can cause similar effects, such as increased appetite and sleep deprivation.
Why is Belly Fat Bad ?

Belly fat does more than just hanging over your favorite jeans. This stubborn fat is usually a sign of something called visceral fat. Visceral fat is the worst kind of fat. Unlike subcutaneous fat that settles directly beneath the skin, visceral fat settles in between organs. While it’s necessary to have a little visceral fat to cushion the  organs, too much can become a hazard.  Too much visceral fat can lead to heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. It’s also been suggested that too much of this kind of fat can lead to weakened bones because it adds fat to bone marrow, resulting in lessened bone marrow density.

If you want to know how to lose belly fat, here are five steps to get a flatter stomach :

Step 1 : Choose Whole Grains

General studies have shown that people who eat whole grains lose more fat than people who choose refined grains. This has to do with the fact that whole grains make your body bum visceral fat faster. Once that visceral fat is gone, your body will begin to burn the subcutaneous fat as well.
Step 2 : Eat Eggs

Eggs are a great source of all the essential amino acids and proteins that you need in your diet. Not only that, but eggs trim belly fat by making you feel fuller, thus helping with calorie consumptions that can cause weight gain. Studies have shown that people who have eggs with their breakfast eat less throughout the day.

Step 3 : Eat Good Fats

Higher amounts of monounsaturated fats are good for your body, and can actually help you lose belly fat. While these fats may not specifically target belly fat, they will help you lose weight all around. Because belly fat is usually the first to go, you’ll begin to see the tat melt away. Foods that generally include monounsaturated fats include avocados, nuts, healthy oils, soybeans, chocolate, and seeds.

Step 4 : Eat Plenty of Fiber

Fiber will lower your levels of insulin, and lower levels of insulin mean less stomach fat. To incorporate more fiber into your diet, try eating more apples, oats, and potatoes. Other various fruits and vegetables also contain plenty of fiber. Whatever you do, try to leave the peels on your fruits and vegetables to guarantee that you get more out of them. Also, introduce fiber into your diet slowly to let your body get used to it.

Step 5 : Participate in Aerobic Exercise
No matter how many crunches you do, they will do nothing to melt your belly fat. The solution here lies in aerobic exercise, the key to burning fat. Be sure to focus on calorie burning exercises, such as running, cycling, or dancing. Do this 30 minutes a day, 3-5 times a week, and you’ll begin to see results.



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